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Our saying "Our care for your beautiful white smile" or perhaps even pearly smile is literally true here.

The number of patients who care about aesthetics, especially about beautiful, healthy looking smile, is recently significantly growing. To have such a smile, they go for teeth whitening. Before the whitening itself, teeth must be examined and possible decays treated. The procedure is supervised by experienced specialist, who recommends the best whitening product and ensures smooth whitening with respect to the condition of your teeth.


It is a procedure when your dentist or dental hygienist whitens your teeth in about one and a half hours. He/she applies at first so called protective barrier to the edge of the gums and then applies whitening gel. The required number of 20 minutes cycles is usually 2 to 3. Gel is blended regularly, to ensure proper function of the active part on enamel. In-chair whitening is the best and the most effective technique.

A little bit more time consuming method. The patient whitens his teeth at home approx. 5-7 days, 1-2 times a day for 30 min. Generally, home-whitening kits contain a very low percentage of whitening agents and therefor the visible effect may come up only later. On top, they are often very universal and do not always cover the teeth completely; the effect is limited. However, due to overall lower effect of these products, there is minimal difference visible for more and less accessible teeth. Certain positive argument can also be more favourable price.

Third method is a combination of the previous two. Snow-white teeth can only be achieved by strong oxidizing agents discolouring pigments in the organic part of the tooth enamel – hydrogen peroxide or a substance we call carbamide peroxide. Therefore we recommend to our patients in-office whitening. It is always very individual treatment and the method must be carefully chosen by the dentist, according to diagnosis, time and finances of the patient. The result and duration of the effect depends on the patient´s lifestyle, generally it lasts from ½ a year to 2 years. The basis for having healthy and beautiful teeth is appropriate hygiene. Regular cleaning of the teeth significantly contributes to long-lasting effect of whitening. In case new spots appear on your teeth, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. Ideal combination is fast in-office whitening with immediate result and then keeping the effect with help of home-whitening kit. Whitening effect can be negatively affected by smoking, consumption of beverages and food with strong colouring (coffee, tea, red wine, red beets, blueberries, etc). The client must also take into account that fillings, crowns and other prosthetics cannot be whitened; however, optimal solution can always be found together with the dentist.

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White teeth increase your attractiveness
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White teeth improve your confidence
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White teeth rejuvenate
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The most effective whitening method
Painless teeth whitening
The most modern whitening method
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Excellent whitening results
More shine and enamel protection
No sensitivity after whitening

Try a new and the most effective method of painless teeth whitening by Philips ZOOM WhiteSpeed.

Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed is clinically proven to whiten teeth up to six to eight shades in 60 minutes versus other professional whitening alternatives. In a study, WhiteSpeed provided over 50% better results than competitors immediately following the procedure and after seven and 30 days. When combined with pH booster in the whitening gel, WhiteSpeed’s advanced blue LED technology greatly accelerates the whitening process, delivering outstanding results in just one office visit. While other whitening products may harm your teeth and gums, Philips Zoom system with supporting Relief ACP compound actually makes your teeth shinier and protects the enamel.

In-office Philips ZOOM whitening

In-office Philips ZOOM whitening uses, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, the blue light lamp Philips ZOOM WhiteSpeed. Since the yellow and blue colours are located opposite each other on the round colour spectrum, the yellow colour absorbs the blue colour the most. Both theoretical and empirical studies suggest that absorption of WhiteSpeed lamp blue light by ​​yellow chromophores of dental pigmentation leads to increased energy of electrons. This makes the cleavage of carbon bonds chromophore more significant than a single use of hydrogen peroxide. Philips ZOOM therefore removes more of the undesired yellow teeth colouring and the in-office whitening system dramatically whitens your teeth in just 60 minutes. The procedure is very simple. Gums and lips are covered with a protective barrier, teeth are coated with in-office whitening gel, specifically created for the use with Philips ZOOM WhiteSpeed lamp. The gel combined with the lamp radiation slowly penetrates your teeth, releasing undesired pigments and colouring. With perfect care you can keep a bright smile for years.

Take-Home Philips ZOOMTreatment

For patients, who do not want to undergo in-office whitening procedure, Philips ZOOM offers products for home (non-light activated) whitening. There are two kits designed for such a care home, Philips ZOOM DayWhite and Philip ZOOM NiteWhite. Both products are applied using a convenient wear, the first application is supervised by your dentist, others can be done by patient himself. DayWhite wear time is 15 to 30 minutes twice a day, NiteWhite 4-6 hours during night. The optimum result, a beautiful white smile, is visible in 1-2 weeks for both products. In accordance with the new EU legislation, Philips ZOOM launches whitening gels containing maximum 6% HP in whitening products. Thus it ranks among the most gentle and friendly in-office and home whitening systems.



It always has to be consulted with your dentist. Whitening is not recommended to children, pregnant and lactating women. Furthermore, front teeth shouldn´t have any fillings or crowns. While the tooth is whitened, filling or crown is not. In case there are any fillings or crowns, new ones have to be done after the whitening. There also must be a proper continuity of particular procedures.


The effect usually lasts from half a year up to two years. It depends how often you drink coffee, tea, red wine or if you use tobacco products. It is possible to repeat the whitening. Success, the shade as well as the duration are individual factors.


It depends on cause and nature of your stains. Usually is the effect of in-chair whitening visible after 1,5 hours, of home whitening after a few applications or after 5-7 days. Discoloration caused by foodstuff disappears in about 10 days. If the cause of colouring is illness or medication, it may take longer. How bright you teeth will be cannot be stated in advance.


Penetration of the whitening agent into the teeth can cause a higher sensitivity. However, it is only temporary and should not take longer than 1-2 days. The sensitivity can be suppressed by use of special products recommended by your dentist or dental hygienist. The sensitivity of gums is also temporary and is not dangerous. There are even studies, which prove positive effect of whitening agent to the gums from the long-time point of view. It fights dental plague and reduces the swelling and redness of gums.


The tooth surface is sort of “open” after the whitening and more receptive to the colour pigments. It is advisable to avoid food and beverages which contain more aggressive colour pigments, like coffee, black tea, red wine, red beet or soy sauce. Smoking can also harm the result. This “white diet” should be kept during the whitening and approximately two weeks after, to allow colour stabilisation of final effect.



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